In addition to Pacific Rim's DRY RIESLING, RIESLING, and SWEET RIESLING, all of which we have here at Harney's, and with which you may already be familiar, the vineyard has now produced a fourth Riesling, one made from organic grapes. A word about organic. In this case, it means that the grape vines have been grown by the method of organic farming, without the use of industrially produced chemicals, including fertilizers and pesticides. However, it does not mean that the wine is sulfites-free. First of all, sulfites are a naturally occurring result of the fermentation process; it is inevitable. Secondly, sulfites are an effective anti-spoiling agent which are added by the vintner (wine maker), especially and extensively, to white wines, less so to red wines. If you are one of the unfortunate 5% of the population which is allergic to sulfites, reading the label on a wine carefully is important. Labels typically read: no sulfites detectable (meaning that the amount of sulfites is almost non-existent), or no added sulfites (the only sulfites are those naturally occurring), or contains sulfites (the vintner has added sulfites to preserve the wine, giving it a longer shelf-life). That said, Pacific Rim Organic Riesling has delightful aromas and flavors of jasmine, apple, and citrus; it is medium-sweet, with refreshing acidity. It is a perfect complement to Asian cuisine, and to light summer dishes.